Individuals named as trustee in a relative’s trust can find themselves in a complicated position. You were likely named as trustee because your mother or father. your brother or sister, in some cases your niece. nephew or even your children felt like you would know what was best for their spouse and children. You may have seemed like the ideal choice when considering your understanding of family dynamics and emotional outcomes, your high emotional IQ or maybe you have always been the steady one in the family.

Whatever the reason, trying to live up to the confidence given to you as trustee can be overwhelming and it can become easy to feel like there is no place to turn for help.

FRS is here to help. Our proprietary system facilitates documentation of discretionary and non-discretionary actions, oversight and monitoring of investments. tracking specialty assets, annual account reviews and accountings, tax reporting, statement production and more. Individuals serving as Trustee that use the FRS platform will enjoy a best in class, fully compliant fiduciary support infrastructure, guidance and a secure, reliable digital record keeping platform. Learn more by contacting us for a complimentary consultation.